New Book Provides A Better Insight On How and Where Employers Fail Their Employees and How To Get Back On Top of Crucial Employee Issues
Released on = October 20, 2006, 11:45 am
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Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = New Book Provides A Better Insight On How and Where Employers Fail Their Employees and How To Get Back On Top of Crucial Employee Issues
Press Release Body = New Book Provides A Better Insight On How and Where Employers Fail Their Employees and How To Get Back On Top of Crucial Employee Issues
More Than A Conqueror: Achieving Personal Fulfillment in Government Service By Daryl And Estraletta Green Paperback: 76 pages Publisher: PMLA Press (August 2006) Language: English ISBN: 0971400881
A new book, More Than A Conqueror: Achieving Personal Fulfillment in Government Service, by Daryl and Estraletta Green has everything one needs to realize personal and professional growth while working for a company that doesn't offer much support for their employees. Although the book focuses on government positions and the lack of employee development and care within this system, I believe it reaches a broader audience of workers and employers.
Well-written and well-researched, these authors bring the point home to employees and employers alike. Support within a company is crucial to the development and happiness of the employees, which in turn creates a positive work environment, a better situation for the employees, and ultimately more success for the employer. Like a conveyor belt, all parts and stations must work to achieve the end product, and that is what this book is trying to show.
I would recommend this book to every worker, employer, employee, small business, large business, CEO, manager, vice-president, government department head, and even college student. Every reader can take something from the Green's book to enhance their life and those around them. A must, 5 star read for all adults.
About The Authors Helping others reach their fullest potential is what Daryl Green is all about. He is one of the leading authorities for helping individuals get more control. Daryl, a Generation X-er himself, applies a logical approach gained from his engineering and management backgrounds to help individuals make good decisions (both professionally and in the home environment). Before he was 30 years old, Daryl had already managed over 300 projects estimated at $100 million dollars. He also owns a consulting firm with his wife, Estraletta. He received a B.S. in engineering and a MA in Organizational Management. Currently, Daryl is pursuing a doctoral degree in leadership from Regent University. He has been a member of Who\'s Who Among International Professionals and Who's Who Among Top Executives and Successful Businesses. Unlike most experts, Daryl understands the uniqueness of each family and the diversity of each culture. He won't give one solution to fit all problems. All these experiences have given Daryl a unique perspective in understanding emerging trends. Estraletta A. Green is a co-founder of Performance Management & Logistics Associates (PMLA). She is a native of Mobile, Alabama. Received a BS in civil engineering and has taken advanced graduate courses in management. Mrs. Green is certified as a Registered Environmental Manager and as a Project Management Professional by the National Project Management Institute. Past experience includes working for the Department of Energy as a program strategist. Estraletta has been featured in Black Collegian as an Outstanding Black Female Engineer.
Daryl and Estraletta Green have helped thousands with their family seminars and columns. They have been noted and quoted in such media organizations such as USA Today, NBC's Alive at Five, Heaven 600, Answerline, American Urban Radio, The Bev Smith Show, The Hallerin Hill Show, Ebony Magazine, and BET's Buy the Book. The Greens also wrote a nationally syndicated column, FamilyVision, which reached 200 newspapers and over 12 million readers. Their perspective is different than most family experts. Most family experts are clinical psychologist or family counselors. The Greens, however, have first-hand experience on this subject, both working full-time as engineers and raising children. They have used their experience as managers from the government, nonprofit, and private business sectors to assist families in this country to do what they have done--take control of their families.
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